

tugu bambu muda

tugu bambu muda

Tugu Khatulistiwa

Tugu Khatulistiwa

West Kalimantan (Indonesia : Kalimantan Barat’) is a province of Indonesia.

It is one of five Indonesian provinces in Kalimantan the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo. It is capital city is Pontianak.

The province has an area of 147,307 km² with a recorded 2010 census population of 4,393,239. major ethnic groups include the Dayak, Malay, Chinese which make up about 90% of the total population. other groups include the Javanese, Bugis, and Madures. The borders of West Borneo roughly trace the mountain ranges surrounding the wathershed of the Kapuas River which drains most of the province.

Malay is the name that refers to a group whose main characteristic is the narrative of the Malay language.The Malays settled in most of Malaysia, Sumatra’s east coast, around the coast of Borneo, southern Thailand, and the small islands that lie along the Malacca and Karimata. In Indonesia, the number of ethnic Malays about 15% of the population, most of whom inhabit the province of North Sumatra, Riau Islands, Jambi, South Sumatra, Bangka Belitung, West Borneo.

Even so, many Minangkabau society, Mandailing, and Dayak are moving to the east coast of Sumatra and the west coast of Borneo, admitted as Malays. in addition to the Archipelago, the Malays are also found in Sria Lanka Cocos Islands, and South Africa.

in addition, also has some typical foods such as :

A. Amplang
Amplang are foods like crackers that are round and made of fish tenggiri and belidak without adding / using flavoring (non-MSG).

B. Lemang
Lemang is a food made of glutinous rice mixed with rice flour and coconut milk and cooked using bamboo.

C. Dodol

Dodol have variuos kind :

  • Dodol Ketan
  • Dodol Nanas
  • Dodol Labu
  • Dodol Putih Telur
  • Dodol Kuning Telur
  • Dodol Keribang
  • Dodol Kacang Hijau

D. Lempok Durian
Lempok durian almost like a dodol, Lempok just made from 100% durian meat plus a little sugar as a natural preservative.

E. Kerupuk Basah

There was food from the District, Kapuas Hulu in West Borneo that are excellent community. Kerupuk basah are made of fish meal peanut sauce with elongated rounded shape. Kerupuk basah taste almost similiar to pmpek (typical Palembang food), but is tastes better kerupuk basah.







lempok durian

Lempok Durian



Kerupuk Basah

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